
Faculty Forum Online: Nuclear Energy—Is the Price Too High? Details

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Faculty Forum Online: Nuclear Energy—Is the Price Too High?

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Recent events in Japan have shaken public confidence in the safety of nuclear power plants. Although the health consequences have so far been small, the Fukushima accident has rekindled fears of radiation around the globe and has renewed the discussion on the risks and costs of nuclear power. This puts into question the future of an industry that had been seen as one of the keys to avoiding the long-term threat of global climate change as well as nearer-term conflicts over scarce fossil-fuel resources. Professor Richard Lester PhD '80, head of MIT’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering (read his bio following the link below), offered his thoughts and answered questions submitted by the worldwide MIT alumni community on April 27, 2011. Watch the video then join the debate with other alumni.
Channel: MIT TechTV
Video Length: 31m 52s
Date Found: Fri, Apr 29 2011 2:38 PM
Category: Educational
Date Produced: Thu, Apr 28 2011 3:01 PM
View Count: 8
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