
1993-03-04 Fight At The Country Club Details

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1993-03-04 Fight At The Country Club

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4 Mar 1993 - Blake meets Roger and Jenna at the Country Club, where Roger offers Blake a bigger PR job at the new Spaulding Enterprises over Jenna’s objections. Roger tries to keep the peace as Blake and Jenna bicker about what happened. Blake isn't sure about taking the job. Roger notices the obvious immediate tension in Blake when Ross arrives at the Club for a drink. Roger takes pleasure in telling Ross about Blake's job offer. Later Roger watches Ross and Blake at the bar, while Jenna complains about all the damage Blake did to them [Roger & Jenna] for the other side. Blake is tired of hearing Ross' ranting about Roger winning SE. Blake wants to know what Ross wants her to do, since everything she's tried so far seems wrong. Blake explains how she felt shut out of Ross' suffering and how he made her feel unwanted. Ross complains that Blake has no patience, but Blake can't remember the last time Ross was loving to her. Blake just wants Ross to reassure her of his love even when he's upset, but Ross cruelly mocks her request. Upset, Blake rushes out and drives off in a blizzard. Back at the Club, Roger joins Ross at the bar to gloat over Blake running out on Ross. Ross says Roger only cares about Blake when she's doing what Roger wants. Roger counters that he hopes his daughter will find a man who loves her enough to never, ever make her cry. Roger leaves Ross to let him think about what he's done with Blake. Ross Marler - Jerry verDorn Blake Thorpe - Elizabeth Keifer ...
Channel: YouTube
Video Length: 8m 27s
Date Found: Sun, Jun 20 2010 10:44 PM
Category: Entertainment
Date Produced: Sun, Jun 20 2010 3:00 PM
View Count: 0
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