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Fantasy - Cast: AUDITIONS (Open)

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!!ATTENTION!! Yeah believe it or not its my fourth? Third series... but anyway yes its a voice over im going to concentrate on this one only for now but i`m still making the other series.... I REALLLY NEED VOICES!! BOYS ARE ESCPECIALLY HARD TO FIND SO FIND SOME FOR ME PLEASE!! Until i get the voices the series will start! I need a clear mic!! OH AND A LOUD VOICE There are loads of more charaters but these are the mains (sorry for my bad spelling) Here are the lines!! --------------------------------------------------- -Girls- Jenna: (Glum) Life was miserble in the cottage there was never enything to do this is going to be another boring old summer holiday... Jenna: (Scared) Who`s there.... please leave me alone -trips- awww.... (cryying) please go away from me! Megan:(Glad) Oh goodie! Another summer holiday.... Megan: (Suprised) -Gasps-(Whispers) Is that You Jenna? I haven`t seen you since primary school! Sonia: (angrily) Yeah, Thats right you have no life! We all don`t - don`t you see we`re bloody vampires! for cryying out loud and you`ve told this .... human about us... urghhh Sonia: (sarcastically) Oh hi Jenna, I suppose your going to tell out secret about us now aren`t you well... whooo hooo! Who cares.... -Groans- Cherry:(Laughs evily) Thats right Jenna i`m your mother and your deadly enemy. Cherry:(Growls) Back off Jake I don`t need your help! Can`t you see i`m in the middle of something! Merissa: (Softly) I see you deeply love him Jenna... Merissa: (Normal) He never told you did her? Others: Just make your own lines up or something incase i need an extra girl charaters same for the boys! Boys: Sin: (Normal) Well... son just as long as you know what your doing (Warns) be back before midnight because you know what happens... Sin: (Normal) I don`t have a clue (Beggs) Sonia please help i know you ... dislike Jenna but you must help us! Ian: (Happy) Alright kid you deserve a night out for all that help but be back before eleven! Ian: (Sorry..) Sorry...
Channel: YouTube
Video Length: 50s
Date Found: Mon, Jul 05 2010 3:55 PM
Category: Entertainment
Date Produced: Mon, Jul 05 2010 3:11 PM
View Count: 0
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